Local government elections took place on 5 May 2022.
View the results by clicking on the map.
Why do some boroughs count on different days?
Elections are being held in all 32 London boroughs on Thursday 5 May 2022 to elect councillors to represent and serve the people of each borough.
Five boroughs are also holding elections on this day for directly elected mayors. These boroughs are Croydon, Hackney, Lewisham, Newham and Tower Hamlets.
The priority of the Returning Officer in each borough is to ensure the count is accurate and that voters have confidence in the election result in the borough they are responsible for.
Managing an election count is a complicated task, and Returning Officers take into account a range of local factors when deciding when to hold the count.
An overnight count is not always feasible and circumstances change between one election and another. For example, different count venues may not be available at the required times.
The five mayoral authorities have twice the number of ballot papers to count, so will be counting on both the Thursday night and during the Friday.
Boroughs need to find count venues that are sufficiently large and with enough ventilation. Boroughs may need to compromise on when they can access the count venue – for example, the count may be taking place in a school. Covid risk assessments of factors such as the number of attendees at the count and the use of screens between staff and agents may also impact on when the counting can take place and how long it will last.
Why will Croydon voters elect a Mayor?
The 2022 elections will see voters in the borough of Croydon electing a mayor for the first time. The mayoral system replaces the leader-and-cabinet system (where the leader of the council is chosen by the other elected councillors) with a mayor who is elected by voters.
Croydon is the fifth London borough to be governed by a mayoral system (the others being Hackney, Lewisham, Newham and Tower Hamlets). The change follows the results of a local referendum last year which asked residents to say which system they preferred - the result was a large majority in favour of the mayoral system.