We have launched our consultation on our proposals to improve safety for taxi and private hire passengers in London.
Taxis and private hire vehicles play a key role in keeping London moving, particularly for those who are disabled and vulnerable. We are proposing 19 changes to licensing requirements to further improve safety and safeguarding for all passengers, especially children and vulnerable adults. We also would welcome your views on four other areas we are keeping under review.
The consultation includes our proposals for implementing the Department for Transport’s (DfT’s) Statutory Taxi and PHV Standards.
We want to hear your views on how our proposals would impact you and any alternative suggestions you have.
You may notice some differences in what we propose between taxi and PHV services – this is in part due to the different legislative powers we have. Also in some places we are asking for your thoughts on how we should shape a proposal rather than proposing something specific.
Please go to our consultation website: tfl.gov.uk/tph-safety to find out more about our proposals, as well as a survey seeking your views. We will use the feedback to help us reach a decision about how taxi and private hire licensing requirements may change.
The consultation is open until 12 May 2023.
We would like to hear from as many people as possible and we would welcome your support in passing this message on to others in your networks who might be interested in taking part.
If you have any questions please email haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk with ‘Improving safety for taxi and PHV passengers’ in the subject line.
We look forward to hearing from you.