What is Taxicard?
The London Taxicard scheme provides subsidised door to door journeys in licensed taxis and private hire vehicles for London residents who have serious mobility or visual impairments.
It is funded by the London boroughs and Transport for London and managed by London Councils on their behalf.
Who is eligible for a Taxicard?
You are automatically eligible for a Taxicard if you:
- Receive the Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance
- Receive 8 points or more for the Moving Around Activity component of the Independence Payment
- Are registered severely sight impaired or blind (not partially sighted)
- Receive a War Pension Mobility Supplement
- Receive the Armed Forces Independence Payment (mobility element)
- Receive Higher Rate Attendance Allowance (only in Barnet, Hackney, Islington, Kingston, Newham, Redbridge, Sutton and Westminster)
- Have a Blue Badge (only in Hammersmith & Fulham)
- Age-related (in the following boroughs only)
- 80 years of age or older in Islington
- 85 years of age or older in Barnet and Redbridge
- 90 years of age or older in Kingston
If you are not in one of the above categories you may still be eligible, but you will need to complete an application form and provide medical evidence. You may be required to have a mobility assessment.
How can I apply for the scheme?
You need to request an application form. The application form you need will depend on the London borough in which you live, please check your borough page for details.
How long will my application take to process?
It will usually take between 6-8 weeks for the application process.
How many Taxicard trips will I get per month/year?
This will depend on the London borough in which you live, please check your borough page for details.
How much will my Taxicard journey cost?
You can find out how Taxicard journeys are charged here. You can also request a quote for a particular journey by calling the booking line 0207 763 5001.
How do I make a Taxicard booking?
You can book by phone, online, via the Taxicard app or hail a taxi in the street or from a rank. See here for more details.
Are all taxis wheelchair-accessible?
All licensed taxis are wheelchair accessible; they all have ramps for wheelchair users, Some larger types of electric wheelchairs can not be legally secured in the taxi and cannot be carried. Please check with the taxi supplier.
What assistance can I expect from the driver?
Door to Door Service, Wheelchair Users and Assistance Dogs
What is meant by a door to door service?
If you specify that you prefer to have a door to door service instead of being picked up and dropped off at the roadside, the driver will be expected to:
- Ring the doorbell/knock on the door of the collection address;
- If required, help the passenger from the front door of the collection or destination address.
- If required, help the passenger to lock or unlock their front door.
- If required, assist the passenger with their shopping, bags or luggage from the vehicle to or from the collection or destination address.
- Assist a wheelchair user up or down a step and/or a kerb, but not up or down a flight of stairs.
- Assist (but not lift) a wheelchair user to transfer to a seat where this is required.
If the pick up or destination is situated in a block of flats, the door to the pickup address is deemed to be the door to the flat and not the door to the block of flats.
What you should expect from your taxi or private hire driver
You should expect your taxi or private hire driver to offer assistance where required.
If you need a specific form of assistance, it is advisable to mention this when booking and please do not hesitate to ask your driver for it. In addition, there are some legal requirements on taxi and private hire drivers which include:
- Taxi drivers are required to assist wheelchair passengers into and out of the taxi, and safely secure passengers before commencing the journey.
- Taxi and private hire drivers are required to accept all assistance dogs accompanying a passenger. The assistance dog should be allowed to be seated by the passenger’s feet.
Unless drivers have a medical exemption they are legally obliged to carry wheelchair users and assistance dogs at no additional cost. Drivers with a medical exemption must clearly display the exception certificate.
ComCab London, the Taxicard service provider, and TfL need to know if a taxi or private hire driver does not meet these requirements, so please let them know if you have had a poor experience. You can report driver conduct issues from taxi or private hire drivers, or any poor experiences you have with private hire operators either to ComCab London customer services on 020 7908 0271 or taxicardcustomerservices@comcab.com and/or to TfL’s Taxi and Private Hire team directly:
Phone: 0343 222 4000
Email: TaxiPrivateHireComplaints@tfl.gov.uk
Can I book a Taxi to collect and deliver a parcel for me?
If you are in one of the boroughs listed below:
- Barking & Dagenham
- Barnet
- Brent
- Bromley
- City of London
- Croydon
- Enfield
- Hounslow
- Islington
- Kensington & Chelsea
- Sutton
- Tower Hamlets
you can use your Taxicard for:
- Taxicard drivers to pick up and deliver essential supplies for you; (This collection and delivery service is to provide customers with additional support during the pandemic in accessing essential items, such as shopping, collecting a takeaway or obtaining medical supplies. It should not be used for collection and delivery of bulky items such as furniture. It could lead to a booking being cancelled if the driver arrives and the items being collected or delivered are not deemed as essential and/or are deemed unsafe too carry.)
- Allow friends and family to travel on your behalf using your Taxicard for the same purpose
How this works:
- Make a booking advising you want a collection of pre-bought items from a supermarket, pharmacy or takeaway etc
- Make a booking advising you want a Taxicard driver or a nominated person to use a taxi on your behalf to purchase or collect essential items on your behalf
- All collections have to pre-paid and an order number provided (if applicable) at the time of booking
- You will be given a cost of the journey and you will have to pay your contribution at time of booking using a debit or credit card
If your borough is not listed below, you are not eligible to use the Collection & Delivery service. As this was a decision made by your local council and if you would like to discuss further please contact your local council. You can find your local council’s telephone number here: https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/services/taxicard/contact-us
Can I travel outside the London boroughs?
Your journey must start and finish within the boundaries of the M25 or if you are being picked up or dropped off at a London airport
Can more than one person travel in the taxi with a Taxicard member, and does this cost extra?
You may be accompanied by up to four companions if you are travelling in a black taxi and up to three in a private hire vehicle at no additional cost. If you travel in a black taxi and have a large wheelchair, sometimes only two three, companions may be able to travel with you, depending on the type of wheelchair. When travelling with multiple companions, you should specify the number of passengers when making your booking, so that an appropriate vehicle can be sent.
How many Taxicard rides do I have left?
You can obtain your trip balance from the operators at ComCab London when you make a booking on 020 7763 5001 or on the Taxicard App or the Taxicard Web Booker at https://book.taxicardbooking.com/
What should I do if my card has been lost or damaged?
You need to contact London Councils on 0207 934 9791. There is a £10 replacement charge for lost or damaged Taxicards. Card holders can pay by debit or credit cards over the telephone. You will need your payment card to hand when you phone.
Alternatively, if you wish to pay by cheque or postal order (a postal order for £10 incurs a £1.00 fee at the point of purchase), please make your payment of £10 payable to 'London Councils' and send it to:
London Councils Taxicard
59½ Southwark Street
London, SE1 0AL
The name and address of the Taxicard holder must be written on the reverse of the cheque or postal order and the Replacement Taxicard Reply Form must be completed and enclosed.
What should I do if my card has been stolen?
You need to contact London Councils on 020 7934 9791. Stolen cards are replaced free of charge if a valid Crime Reference Number is provided. If you are unable to provide a crime reference number the card will be treated as if it has been lost and a £10 charge will be incurred to replace the card.
We cannot offer a refund if you later obtain a crime reference number for the incident.
The taxi driver did not give my card back to me, what should I do?
You can call ComCab London on 020 7908 0271 to see if they can contact the driver.
My card is due to expire. What should I do?
If you card is due to expire within the next month, please contact us at your earliest convenience as you cannot make a booking or travel if your Taxicard has expired.
To renew your account and order a replacement you will need to provide one of the following:
- Proof that you continue to meet one of the automatic eligibility criteria (see below) [N.B We are aware that the DWP are experiencing slight delays in issuing documents to support entitlement to PIP, which may affect your application for a Taxicard. If you are affected by this, please contact our team on 0207 934 9791 (option 2) who will be able to assist you.]
- A new application for assessment – this applies if you do not meet one of the automatic criteria and have a long-term mobility difficulty which restricts your access to public transport
Automatic Criteria
- Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance
- 8 points or more for the Moving Around Activity component of Personal Independence Payment
- Registered severely sight impaired/blind
- War Pension Mobility Supplement
- Armed Forces Independence Payment (Mobility Element)
- Higher Rate Attendance Allowance (Only accepted in the following boroughs: Barnet, Hackney, Islington, Kingston Upon Thames, Newham, Redbridge, Sutton or Westminster.
- 90 years or older and a resident of Kingston Upon Thames
- 85 years or older and a resident of Barnet or Redbridge
- 80 years or older and a resident of Islington
- Blue Badge holder and a resident of Hammersmith & Fulham or Kingston Upon Thames
Please contact us on 020 7934 9791 (Option 2) or email taxi.card@londoncouncils.gov.uk to discuss what action is required to renew your account
Can I travel without my Taxicard?
To prevent fraud and misuse of Taxicards; members are not permitted to travel without their Taxicard.
Can I have more trips if I run out?
Boroughs do not usually give additional trips and you have to wait until you receive your next annual allocation of trips on the following 1 April.
What do I do if I change my address, phone number or other personal details?
If you change your personal details you must call London Councils on 020 7934 9791 to inform us of your change of details so that we have up-to-date contact details for you.
I have moved to a different London borough - can I still use my card?
If you have changed boroughs your current Taxicard is no longer valid. You will have to reapply to your new borough for a new card. If you meet the automatic criteria for the Taxicard scheme then we may be able to transfer your account and issue a new Taxicard upon receipt of the relevant documentation, please contact London Councils on 020 7934 9791 or email taxi.card@londoncouncils.gov.uk.
You are no longer eligible if you no longer live in one of the London boroughs.
Can I make a booking online?
To make a booking online visit the ComCab London website
Can I visit London Councils and speak to someone face-to-face regarding my Taxicard?
We no longer provide a face-to-face customer contact service for Taxicard customers. Alternatively, you can contact London Councils customer service on 0207 934 9791 or you may use the telephone provided in London Councils reception choosing option 2 on the telephone keypad where a member of the team can assist with your query.
You may also use the iPad provided in reception, but please be aware there will be no one to assist you. Instead, you may prefer to visit your local library for further assistance and to print an application form.
You can also email your query to taxi.card@londoncouncils.gov.uk where a member of the customer service team will respond.
Can I leave documents relating to my application at reception?
You must contact Taxicard customer service on 0207 934 9791 to discuss and make arrangements with a member of the team if you wish to bring documents relating to your Taxicard application to London Councils.
How do I make a complaint about the Taxicard service?
If your complaint is about the Taxicard service (e.g. bookings, driver conduct, journey experience), this will be handled by our contractor Comcab, who have their own complaints procedure and will investigate and respond to you directly. Please redirect your enquiry to Comcab either by email at taxicardcustomerservices@comcab.com or by calling Comcab London customer services on 020 7908 0271.
If your complaint is about either your Taxicard application or trip allocations, we will forward your query to our Taxicard team at London Councils, who will investigate your complaint.
Do I need to wear a face covering when travelling in a taxi?
It is strongly recommended to continue wearing a face covering throughout your journey.
For TfL guidance on travelling in taxis and private hire vehicles with a face covering - please visit https://tfl.gov.uk/campaign/face-coverings#on-this-page-2
For government guidance on face coverings: when to wear one, exemptions, and how to make your own - please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own
What other accessible transport services are available to me?
If you are interested in other types of transport and services available throughout London you can contact Transport for London (TfL) using the following methods:
Website: https://tfl.gov.uk/
Online contact form: https://tfl.gov.uk/help-and-contact/accessibility
Telephone: 0343 222 1234
Where can I get travel advice, support and general information as a disabled person travelling in London?
Transport for All (TfA) is a pan-impairment organisation campaigning for disabled and older people to have the right to travel with freedom and independence.
TfA can help you by signposting you to the appropriate organisation, transport provider, local authority or governing body in line with your query or complaint.
They can also help you plan your accessible journey, answer questions about concessionary schemes, modes of transportation, street infrastructure or active travel. Examples include:
- Getting advice on applying for concessions such as the Freedom Pass or Blue Badge.
- Making appeals if an application is turned down.
- Making a complaint about problems you are facing while travelling (such as being refused access to a bus, or no support at a railway station).
- Help in planning your journey around London.
- Advice about your rights when travelling in London.
You can contact TfA using the following methods:
Website: https://www.transportforall.org.uk/
Telephone: 020 7737 2339
Email: contactus@transportforall.org.uk
Postal Address: 336 Brixton Road, Ferndale, London SW9 7AA
I am having difficulty obtaining up to date PIP information from DWP to apply for /or/ renew my Taxicard. What can I do?
We are aware that the DWP are experiencing delays in issuing documents to support entitlement to PIP, which may affect your application for a Taxicard. If you are affected by this, please contact our team on 0207 934 9791 (option 2) who will be able to assist you.