Has your Freedom Pass expired?

We have now sent out all renewal passes to those we believe are still eligible for the Older Person's Freedom Pass who held a 31 March 2024 expiry pass.

We automatically renewed passes for Older Persons pass holders, who from our residency checks, were still living at the same address as shown on our records.  We wrote to those pass holders who were flagged as possibly having changed address with instructions on how to complete the renewal process.  These letters were sent out in January 2024. 

If you currently hold a 2024 expiry date Older Person's card and have not received a renewed pass, or a renewal letter, please contact the Freedom Pass Helpline Team via email: info@freedompass.org or call: 0300 330 1433.


For those pass holders who have received a letter but have not yet completed the renewal, you can still do so by going online and using the unique reference number provided in your letter. Unfortunately, if you do not complete this process you will be without a pass once your current card has expired. 

Renew online now 

Disabled persons Freedom Pass

I have a Disabled Person's Freedom Pass that expired in March 2024 - what do I need to do to renew it?
There is a different process for Disabled Person's Freedom Pass renewal. If you have a Disabled Person's Freedom Pass please visit here for more information

Using your personal information

London Councils and the London Borough in which you live will be responsible for your information which they, and their agents, will use to administer the Freedom Pass scheme for customer services and for research. Your information will not be used for marketing and will only be shared with other organisation (e.g. other local authorities, Transport for London, government departments and law enforcement agencies) to provide the services or where it is legal to do so (e.g. to detect and prevent crime and protect public funds). Your information may be matched with data from other sources, including CCTV or ticket usage data.

Our full privacy statement is available on our website: www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/freedompass/Privacy_Statement, or you can request a copy by calling 0300 330 1433.