Our work is currently focused on –
- Influencing reform of health and adult care by working with boroughs and partners to ensure NHS reforms support borough and place level partners to integrate health and care.
- Achieving reform of adult care that puts the system on a strong and sustainable footing.
- Working with boroughs and the GLA to ensure implementation of the Domestic Abuse Act achieves the best possible outcomes for Londoners
- Providing a voice for London on the review of public health so that the outcome strengthens London’s public health function and increases local determination.
- Leading activity to showcase the work boroughs are doing to tackle the disproportionate health impact of Covid on Londoners.
To achieve these aims we work closely with boroughs and a range of partners, including NHS England and NHS Improvement (London), London Integrated Care Systems, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and UK Health Security Agency (London regional teams), the Mayor and the Greater London Authority, the Local Government Association (LGA), the Home Office and the Department of Health and Social Care.
Health and Care Integration
Working with London boroughs and NHS partners to augment the pace and scale of health and care integration
Find out moreAdult social care
Supporting London boroughs to meet the social care needs of the most vulnerable
Find out moreHealth and Wellbeing Boards
Health and Wellbeing Boards are the vehicles for joint local system leadership for health and care
Find out morePublic Health
We support London boroughs to improve the health and wellbeing of their populations across a range of policy areas from sexual health to the wider determinants of health
Find out moreOlder People Best Practice
Best Practice for Older People in London including Age UK reports
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