The London HIV Prevention Programme (LHPP) is London’s flagship HIV public health awareness programme and has been supporting London’s efforts to reduce HIV infections since 2014. It was established to provide a city-wide approach to HIV prevention.
The programme has consisted of three main elements:
- Public health information and marketing campaigns on combination HIV prevention, under the brand ‘Do It London’ (delivered by Lambeth Council in partnership with commissioned advertising agencies)
- A free condom and lubricant distribution service for Men who have Sex with Men across Greater London (usually in bars, clubs, pubs, saunas and community sites - with the addition of home-delivery since March 2020, delivered by CNWL Freedoms Shop)
- Sexual health promotion outreach and rapid HIV testing in commercial and community venues for Men who have sex with men (MSM) delivered by Metro, Spectra, Positive East, The Love Tank.
The LHPP is funded by all London boroughs from a total budget for 2019- 2022 of £1.063 million. This methodology for funding was developed by the London Directors of Public Health and is based on borough HIV prevalence in 2017.
The LHPP has been hosted, managed and commissioned by Lambeth Council on behalf of all boroughs since 2013, including the delivery of Do It London public health campaigns. It is governed by an MoU between Lambeth and the London boroughs and governed by the LHPP Board.
Each borough’s contribution to the LHPP budget (total for 2019-22: £1.063m) was revised and agreed at the London Councils’ Leaders' Committee in November 2018, based on diagnosed HIV prevalence in 2017.
London Councils’ Leaders' Committee agreed in November 2013 to set up and run a three-year London-wide HIV prevention programme from 1 April 2014 until March 2017. The Programme was renewed on two occasions and is due to expire on 31 March 2022. London Councils Leaders’ Committee will be deciding on proposals to fund the programme for a one year transitional period until March 2023. Read the London HIV prevention report here:
Do It London’s – ‘Four Sure’ Campaign
The Four Sure’ campaign ran from November 2020 to February 2021and proved to the most successful campaign yet. The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and social distancing restrictions resulted in tailored radio ads to amplify national social distancing messaging, producing Safe Sex and Covid-19 guidelines detailing ways in which Londoners who were continuing to have sex with partners from outside their household could reduce the risk of Covid-19.
Despite this challenge, the evaluation results reported there were 553, 409 views to the ‘Do It London webpages; 901,816 condoms were issued; and 904,700 lubricants, digital display ads ran throughout the campaign and delivered 10.1 million impressions and 24,412 clicks a record number.
See the Evolution of the Do it London Campaign here and the Do It London messaging during Covid here.