LEDNet Publications

LEDNet policy positions


Recognising local authorities as key partners in the Net Zero Strategy

Ahead of the publication of the Government’s Net Zero Strategy, we worked with our Blueprint Coalition partners to produce a paper, outlining why it is essential that local authorities play a central role and how national government can start to work with local authorities. The coalition recognises that although some reduction in carbon emissions has been made by the power sector, Government must focus on decarbonising sectors such as housing and transport which requires behavioural change as well as the delivery of low carbon solutions, 

LEDNet and ADPH London Joint Position Statement on Air Quality

We are proud to partner with the Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) London to deliver advocacy and action on air quality and health. In 2019, we produced a joint position statement on air quality and health (fiurther revised in 2020 in light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic), setting out how we should respond to the challenge of air pollution.

One of the agreed actions was to speak with one voice to secure the powers and resources needed to reduce air pollution and deliver associated benefits to public health. In line with this, in May 2022 we responded to the proposal of new environmental targets with an additional joint position statement on air quality targets, in which we call for more ambitious national standards, appropriate resources and stronger collaborative frameworks for delivery.

Climate Coalition Asks: a blueprint for accelerating climate action

The Blueprint for Accelerating Climate Action and Green Recovery at Local Level, first published in July 2020, was produced together with our climate coalition partners (ADEPT, Ashden, Friends of the Earth, Grantham Institute at Imperial College, Greenpeace UK, Place-Based Climate Action Network at LSE and Solace). The blueprint was revised in December 2020 to address the climate and ecological emergencies within the Covid-19 context, with a call to all local authorities to support this initiative to secure more powers and resources for councils. 

TEC-LEDNet Joint Statement on Climate Change

In November 2019 LEDNet and London Councils' TEC met to discuss issues around climate change. The meeting acknowledged the need to act on climate change and set out an ambitious set of joint programmes that will support boroughs to deliver their targets. 

TEC-LEDNet Joint Statement on Air Quality and Waste and Resources

In February 2019, LEDNet and TEC met to discuss issues surrounding air quality and waste and resources, agreeing a joint position statement which includes a series of priorities to tackle air quality issues and reserve resources. 

LEDNet Position Paper on London's Resources and Waste System

In June 2018, LEDNet produced a position paper on London's resources and waste system and recommended that London's approach should prioritise reducing the volume of waste and achieve a more circular economy. 

Response to consultations