Contact the team

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Our environment policy work encompasses areas such as air quality, flooding and waste management. We work closely with partners at a local and regional level to influence national policies and secure resources for London. Our environment work is principally governed by our Transport and Environment Committee (TEC). TEC was established in 2000, and has a number of statutory and discretionary functions. These include setting penalty levels for offences such as graffiting, fly-posting and littering, and establishing policy and guidance for pan-London environment and transport issues. More information, including a list of TEC members, can be found on this page. The officer team also works on transport and infrastructure

Katharina Winbeck

Strategic Lead, Transport and Environment

020 7934 9945

Kate Hand

Head of Climate Change

Caroline George

LEDNet Principal Policy and Project Manager

Beth Evans

LEDNet Assistant Policy and Project Officer

Oluwafemi Biyibi

Principal Policy and Project Officer

Zak Bond

Principal Policy and Projects Officer - Climate Change

Agathe de Canson

Principal Policy and Project Officer