The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) replaces European Structural and Investment Funds. UKSPF is one the key funds to support the government’s Levelling Up agenda. There are three main investment strands for the fund:
- Communities and Place;
- Supporting local business;
- People and Skills.
London will receive £144m UKSPF over three years (2022-2025). The investment plan sets out where London will focus its funding within each of the investment strands and how UKSPF contributes to London’s strategies and priorities.
The GLA is the lead authority for UKSPF in London. The GLA has agreed that £78m of UKSPF will be allocated to London boroughs and the City of London across the three investment strands – reflecting the need to deliver the fund close to communities and give a place-based response to different local needs and opportunities.
The UKSPF investment plan for London was submitted to government in July 2022 and was approved in December 2022. The plan is available to read from the GLA UKSPF website.
UKSPF Borough Contacts
London boroughs and the City of London Corporation have been allocated £78m of UKSPF, covering all of the Communities and Place investment strand and some of the Supporting Business and People and Skills investment strands, and will be delivering local UKSPF projects with the current funding until 2025.
You can find a list of email contacts for UKSPF across all London boroughs and the City of London Corporation here.