The LRaPP is a new partnership aimed at promoting greater joint working between London government and London’s academic research community. The partnership will be led by the University of London and the City Intelligence Unit of the GLA working closely with London Councils.
The partnership will encourage universities to use their expertise and resources to address pressing public policy challenges. Higher Education institutions are a great asset to London and a closer working relationship with local government could bring many benefits for policymakers.
The types of work the partnership will facilitate include the following:
- connecting researchers and policy makers,
- mapping London academic expertise
- co-development of research projects
- joint applications for research and innovation funding.
We surveyed boroughs on their current expertise and research gaps and their relationships with universities. We also invited boroughs to a workshop to explore these gaps further which has informed priorities and next steps for LRaPP.
Further information can be found here:
Twitter: @LondonRaPP
Best practice borough and university examples:
Tower Hamlets
Tower Hamlets - has an NIHR funded collaboration with academic partners (including UCL and QMUL) to collaborate on research and evaluation on wider determinants of health and childhood health and wellbeing – see Home - Act Early
Hammersmith and Fulham
Hammersmith & Fulham - has initiated a joint partnership with Imperial College, launched in 2017, focused on delivering their Local Industrial Strategy. As part of the partnership Imperial college is working with LBHM to boost local bio-tech, digital and creative businesses to drive economic growth and innovation
Camden council – has a Memorandum of Understanding with University College London which formalised the long standing partnership between the two institutions. The MoU provides a framework for both organisations to work even more closely together, to shared goals and priorities.
Lewisham council is currently partnering with Goldsmiths University on Lewisham’s year as London Borough of Culture. Goldsmiths played a key role in securing the successful Lewisham bid, which was focused on ‘Cultural Activism’. Goldsmiths are also the lead delivery partner for 'In Living Memory', which is a borough of culture heritage initiative, celebrating Lewisham’s diversity and heritage.