One World Living is one of the themes our collaborative Climate Programme covers. Its goal is to reduce consumption emissions by focusing on food, textiles, electricals and plastics.
The outputs the programme seeks to create are - a culture of sustainability amongst Londoners where new attitudes and behaviours around diet, sustainable product choices, food waste, repair, reuse recycling and refills are normalised, and an enabling environment where Londoners are provided with accessible and convenient means to take practical actions in these areas.
Over the next two years the OWL will focus on creating a city-wide and bottom-up model of consumption-based emissions reduction. It will continue to focus on the three main action areas we’ve identified where local authorities can make a real difference:
1) Engaging with Communities - enabling London boroughs to support businesses and residents to take practical actions
2) Data-Driven & Influencing Policy - developing good data which London can rely upon and influence change
3) Our Organisations - reducing our own consumption emissions and walk the talk
The lead borough for One World Living is the London Borough of Harrow.
Implementation plan
Our two-year implementation plan identified key deliverables for 2023-24 and assessed the resource requirements to deliver this first phase of implementation and build a sustainable longer-term programme of work.
Delivery partners and ongoing campaigns
One World Living's work is delivered in partnership with West London Waste Authority and ReLondon.
Other documents and archive
One World Living Action Plan
The purpose of this action plan is to set a pathway to achieve the ambition set out in London Councils' Joint Statement on Climate Change.
This plan is designed to support all boroughs to achieve the headline ambition, whilst recognising that requirements and resourcing will vary from borough to borough.