Green Economy is one of the themes in our collaborative Climate Programme. Its goal is to double the size of the green economy in London.
Over the next two years Building the Green Economy will focus on building a robust evidence base for boroughs to act to support the growth of the green economy in their area and ensure a just transition. It will develop data and metrics to enable London to collectively track its progress and identify the right interventions. Alongside this, the theme will grow London’s understanding of the skills and business support needed to ensure the growth of key sectors and engage partners in developing plans to address these gaps. And, working with 3Ci – the Cities Commission for Climate Investment, it will test and develop new models for financing and delivering climate infrastructure and support boroughs to navigate the right funding sources for their projects
The lead borough for Green Economy is London Borough of Hounslow.
Implementation plan
Our two-year implementation plan identified key deliverables for 2023-24 and assessed the resource requirements to deliver this first phase of implementation and build a sustainable longer-term programme of work.
Other documents and asset library
Green Economy Action Plan
The purpose of this action plan is to set a pathway to achieve the ambition set out in London Councils' Joint Statement on Climate Change.
This plan is designed to support all boroughs to achieve the headline ambition, whilst recognising that requirements and resourcing will vary from borough to borough.