Salaries of senior staff
We believe that it is important to be open and transparent about what we pay our senior members of staff, our ‘chief officers' - full details are available from related documents (right).
This includes the following posts:
- Chief Executive
- Corporate Director, Policy & Public Affairs
- Corporate Director, Resources
- Director, Corporate Governance
- Director, Local Government Performance and Finance
- Director, Transport & Mobility
- Director Communications Officer
- Chief Contracts Officer
- Chief Adjudicator (Environment and Traffic )
- Chief Adjudicator (Road User Charging)
- Strategy Director
- Strategic Lead, Health and Adult Care
- Strategic Lead, Finance Performance and Procurement
- Strategic Lead, Enterprise, Economy and Skills
- Chief Accountant
- Director, London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI)
- Strategic Lead: Housing and Planning
- Strategic Lead: Transport and Environment
- Stategic Lead: Strategic Policy Group
Our staff structure charts give further information about the areas of responsibility assigned to each post.
(November 2020)