If you are currently reviewing or developing your HR policies then this is the resource you need with over 1,600 policies from all thirty-two London boroughs plus the City of London.
These were originally collected during 2004 and are now updated every two years. The policies have been categorised into thirty five classifications.
Updated policies have replaced existing ones and new policies are extra additions to the resource, although they are new in that they are new to the resource but may not have been produced recently.
If you have any queries please contact Debbie Williams.
While we have made the utmost attempt to ensure the policies are up to date and accurate the responsibility for using them is yours.
- Covid-19 Policies and Procedures
- Acting allowances and honorarium payments
- Agency and temporary workers policies and procedures
- Alcohol and drugs misuse policies and procedures
- Annual leave, special leave and time off policies and procedures
- Conduct and gifts & hospitality policies and procedures
- Cycle loans and allowances
- Data protection policies and procedures
- Disciplinary policies and procedures
- Domestic violence policies and procedures
- Employee appraisals policies and procedures
- Equal opportunities and managing diversity policies and procedures
- Exit/leavers policies and procedures
- Eye tests and display screen equipment
- Family friendly policies (includes flexible working, maternity leave and job share)
- Flexible and Hybrid Working
- Grievance and whistle blowing policies and procedures
- Harassment, bullying and violence at work policies and procedures
- Internet, email and equipment usage policies and procedures
- Job evaluation policies and procedures
- Long Service Awards
- Menopause Policies
- Occupational stress policies and procedures
- Other policies of interest
- Other policies of interest 2
- Other policies of interest 3
- Recruitment & probationary staff policies and procedures
- Redundancy, redeployment and early retirement policies and procedures
- Relocation policies and procedures
- Reward Strategies
- Secondment, sabbatical and career break policies and procedures
- Sickness absence, capability and performance policies and procedures
- Smoking at work policies and policies
- Time off for trade union activities policies and procedures
- Working with HIV/AIDS policies