Recruitment Managers Network

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London Councils provides this forum to exchange information and share experiences across the London Boroughs in the field of recruitment practice and retention initiatives.

Objectives of the Network

  • to meet on a quarterly basis, to facilitate the exchange of information and sharing good practice experience.
  • to review common areas of staff shortage and determine strategies to address these
  • to initiate joint projects and joint working activities that might contribute to shared solution of recruitment issues.
  • to invite speakers to inform debate and share events with other London Councils networks as appropriate
  • to contribute to collection of comparative data for sharing on areas of common concern/interest.


Our Members
Corporate Recruitment Managers/Officers in each of the London Boroughs.  Departmental  Recruitment Managers may be included when considered relevant as determined by the Group.

Co-Chairs:  Jason Wisniewski (Kensington & Chelsea) and Irvin Luchowa (Hillingdon)

Recruitment Managers Terms of reference