As a specialist sub group of the London Heads of HR, to provide members with a trusted professional forum to share knowledge, experiences and practical ideas with regard to pay and employee relations matters and information management to aid delivery of the best possible public service to our customers now and into the future.
To deliver projects as tasked by the London Heads of HR Group by:
- Sharing intelligence on matters of strategic importance to London local government pay, reward and engagement, employment terms and ER professionals.
- Providing space and support to share knowledge, experiences and ideas so members can learn from each other and identify opportunities for mutual benefit.
- Having use of external input that supports new ways of thinking whilst acting as a catalyst for identifying shared solutions, strategies or products etc. that contribute to the continued gains in efficiency and improvements across the pay, reward and engagement, employment terms and ER agenda.
Co-Chairs: Themistoklis Pagoudis (Waltham Forest), Jerry Tosswell (Bexley) and Zoe Hoskin (Camden)