Association of London Directors of Children's Services

The Association of London Directors of Children's Services (ALDCS) is a pan-London body representing all of London's statutory Directors of Children's Services. It provides strategic leadership which promotes and improves the work boroughs do to offer all children and young people the best start in life and opportunities and support to achieve their full potential.

The ALDCS also manage the London Innovation and Improvement Alliance and London Social Work for Children.

The current Chair of ALDCS is Florence Kroll, Director for Children's Services at the London Borough of Greenwich.

London Councils provides the secretariat to the ALDCS. Please contact Samira Islam ( for more information.


LIIA facilitate collaboration that benefits children and young people by tackling agreed London-wide priorities that are set through the Association of London Directors of Children’s Services (ALDCS). They work in partnership with the Department of Education, Local Government Association and other regional bodies across the country to share expertise and leverage investment in children’s services. 

Find out more on the LIIA website.

LSWC showcases the employment and professional development opportunities in children's social work across all of London's 33 Councils. Their website acts as a hub for career development and job adverts for work in the field of children’s social care. 

Find out more on the LSWC website.

The key objectives of ALDCS are to:

  • Discuss strategic issues affecting local authority Children’s Services in London.
  • Provide a forum for the sharing of best practice.
  • Identify opportunities for further collaboration between London borough Children’s Services teams and partners.
  • Act as a forum to engage with key strategic partners on relevant issues.
  • Gather and collate data to form a ‘London picture’ of issues relating to Children’s Services.
  • Coordinate research and policy activity, often in conjunction with London Councils.
  • Organise London-wide events on specific areas.
  • Support pan-London networks covering areas of Children’s Services.
  • Coordinate the Pan-London sector led improvement work for Children’s Services.
  • Oversee the Adopt London programme (for relevant local authorities).

ALDCS leads policy development and service improvement through: 

  • The Practice Leaders Network 
  • The Youth Justice Leads Network  
  • The Strategic Education Leads London Network 
  • The School Places Planning Officers Network  
  • The Heads of Early Years Network  
  • London Adoption Board  
  • London Grid for Learning